How do i feel with table tennis

Juan González
3 min readApr 4, 2023


It had been a while since i didnt play my favourite sport. Football is also great but table tennis is my passion since i am really little.

I will start explain the idea of the title. In september i went to Cambodia. Mi idea was to spend one year travelling in the Southern East Asia, but i came back to Spain only one month ago because of some problems. If you are interested in reading about those problems, please write it in comments.

This is me during a table tennis match in Villalbilla

When i arrived to Spain, i didn't tell anybody that i arrived, except my family. I was really happy without my table tennis trainings during the week and also without my table tennis matches during the weekend. Since october of 2020 i have been playing everyweek (monday, wednesday, friday and some saturdays or sundays). That is tired but i didn't notice i was suffering.

After Christmas, my father ask me to train, but i didn't want. It was difficult to say no because it is really easy to say yes to an habit you are so happy to do. But i didn't have the social pressure of the club, so i didn't go.

On saturday, i was planning to go out with a friend and spent the afternoon with him but he couldn't meet. After that, i didn't know what i could do, but i didn't want to stay at home. I layed down my bed and i read some messages of the forum of the table tennis center. I noticed that afternoon there was a match and everybody was invited to go. After thinking very much if go or not, i finally decided to go.

I took a train from the center of my city and arrived to the table tennis center. When i arrived to the village of my table tennis center, i remembered a lot and i smoked a cigarrete. I thought: "How could i came almost everyday from my house to here". The reason why i could do that is that i only had energies to go there. I didn't work before. I was studing and my life of student was different.

When i arrived to the table tennis center i said hi to almost 20 people. It was so impressive to meet them again. Some of them ask me to train again. That night i tought a lot about that. I noticed that i didn't know if i should continue my relation with table tennis and the center but i knew that i had to choose. I tought that avoiding the responsability of going to the training because i didn't want to go was okey if i was prepared to tell the members of my club that i didn't want to continue.

Finally, i noticed that i wasn't prepared to do that, so i decided that one option was to finish the trainings of this scholar year and say goodbay to them if i continued feeling not good in summer.

Today, i was also layed down in my bed and i read that there was a training today in the center. I didn't want to stay at home, but i was really tired. I remembered what i chose and i went to the training. At least i was choosing one of the two options i had.



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